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What You Need to Know About Access Control

Marietta LocksmithWith the help of advancements in technology, the way we secure our homes and businesses has changed dramatically in the last several decades. Families and business owners alike are choosing to use access control locks or other electronically controlled locks for the purposes of convenience and safety. Access control locks have several benefits. Whether you are choosing to use access control locks for your home or business, you cannot go wrong with how effective they are at increasing safety and monitoring one’s home or business.

The following article will dive into some of the different options available on the market today. If you are still using a traditional deadbolt lock or other similar hardware to secure your home or business, it may be time for an upgrade. Depending on the nature of your business, the location of your home, or any specific safety concerns you have, upgrading to access control sooner rather than later may be your best bet. Consider how you will benefit from access control. No other type of lock is more secure!

Different Types of Access Control Locks


These access control locks are perfect for smaller businesses and homes. They function just as their name implies and work as a standalone device. This means that there are no additional routers, wiring, or connected devices. Access control locks have the option to be connected to other entrances or exits throughout an entire building, be controlled through wireless networks, and other features. With standalone access control locks, they simply work alone. If you own a business with only one or two main entrances or exits, these devices may be ideal.

Standalone access control locks come in a variety of options and styles. They are most often seen with pin codes or access codes. Employees or family members can access the property by entering a 4 to 5-digit passcode. Access codes are great for families and small businesses since there is no need to create key copies for everyone who needs access. Standalone devices can also work with proximity cards or magnetic strip cards that are swiped through a reader on the device itself. 


Electronic access control locks come in similar styles as those seen in standalone locks, except they contain more features. Larger businesses are more likely to use electronic access control locks for enhanced security. With these devices, multiple doors, entrances, exits, and other areas can be connected, coordinated, and monitored. A hospital is a good example of a business that might use access control locks that are part of a larger, electronically controlled system. Nurses and doctors need special access to certain corridors, rooms, and even floors of a hospital. Increased monitoring and security needs in this case would call for the installation of electronic access control locks. 

External monitoring is possible when access control locks run through electronically controlled systems. Individual passcodes or key cards that have been assigned to staff members allow employers to monitor which employees come and go, as well as the exact time of access. This can be especially important for businesses that demand increased security. Having a detailed record of the whereabouts of one’s employees may not always be necessary, but most certainly comes in handy when such information is needed.

Families are more likely to choose access control locks with mobile capabilities. With mobile access control locks, homeowners can use their mobile devices to track their home security. Using an app on one’s phone that is connected to the home access control, homeowners can see when their family members come and go. 

Depending on the mobile access control locks one chooses, there are many additional features that families find useful. Some devices allow you to connect a camera system to the access control device. Then if the doorbell should ring, you will be alerted on your phone. From your mobile device, you can either talk to the individual standing at their front door or even unlock the door to let them inside if it is someone you know. This is also a helpful feature for households that regularly receive packages in the mail but are not always home to retrieve them. If a package should arrive, you will be alerted and can unlock the door for the carrier, instruct them through the mobile access control device to place the package inside your home, and then lock the door through your mobile device when they are done.
For the absolute best home security, these types of access control devices are your best option. If you would like to know more about home access control locks and other mobile features, contact a local locksmith in your area.

Install Access Control Locks Today!

Regardless of which access control locks will serve the needs of your family or your business best, it is always advised to work with a local locksmith to help install your new locks. Depending on the type of access control locks you choose, various adjustments may need to be made to the current hardware in place or it may need to be removed entirely. Additionally, access control locks almost always require specialized knowledge from a professional in order for them to be set-up properly. A locksmith will be able to get your new access control locks installed with ease! You will also be able to use your access control locks right away just as soon as they are installed and programmed.


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